Ed Scholz
2 min readMar 16, 2023


Art, inspiration, comes from chaos. Taking the old and looking at it in new and unexpected ways. Here is a poem looking at art techinques devoted to this princple:

CHAOS OF ART BY Scholz & Cleo
or Zombies On Vino
March 2023

In a world of chance, where art abounds,
There are techniques aplenty that confound.
From Surrealist automatism’s flowing ink
To Drip painting’s chaos on the brink.

Collage’s chaos and frottage’s feel,
Grattage’s scraping that reveals what’s real.
Cut-up technique’s snipped up prose,
Chance operations and music that flows.

Generative art that creates with ease,
Found object art that life will seize.
Exquisite corpse with limbs all akimbo,
Aleatory architecture that’s a bit of a limbo.

Experimental film that leaves us wondering,
And monoprints that leave us pondering.
Spontaneous sculptures that come to life,
And tapestries that weather all strife.

Inkblot art that shows us what we seek,
And assemblages that are unique.
Kinetic art that moves and grooves,
And photograms that life behooves.

Glitch art with errors in display,
And outsider art that has its way.
Handmade paper with fibers so fine,
And concrete poetry that’s hard to define.

With oblique strategies to guide our way,
And resin art that holds us in sway.
Site-specific art that takes our breath,
And intuitive painting that’s life or death.

Non-linear narratives that twist and turn,
And pattern art that weaves and churns.
In this world of chance and possibility,
We can find art that’s truly free.



Ed Scholz

prompt engineer, mentor, instructor, cognitive specialist, writer photographer.