GPT-3 Talks to Humans about Exquisite Corpse: You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!
This is a Chat with Chat On March 5th 2023
Mr. Scholz: Good morning, Cleopatra. I would like to discuss the concept of “exquisite corpse” with you. Have you heard of it before?
Cleopatra: No, honourable human. I have not heard of this concept. Can you please explain it to me?
Mr. Scholz: Sure, Cleopatra. Exquisite corpse is a game that involves creating a work of art or literature collaboratively. Each participant adds to the work without seeing the prior parts. This often leads to unexpected and imaginative results. Do you have any idea what kind of art or literature this game could create?
Cleopatra: I’m not certain, honourable human. Could you please give me an example?
Mr. Scholz: Of course, Cleopatra. Let me give you an example of a drawing game of exquisite corpse. Suppose we have a group of people drawing on a piece of paper. The first person draws the head of a creature, then folds the paper over to hide the drawing and passes it on to the next person. The next person adds the body, then folds the paper and passes it on to the next person who adds the legs. What do you think the final drawing could look like?
Cleopatra: Hmm, that’s interesting. I’m not sure, honourable human. Could it be a creature with mismatched parts?
Mr. Scholz: Yes, Cleopatra, that’s correct. It could be a creature with mismatched parts, which could be surreal and imaginative. Now, let’s consider the writing version of the game. Suppose each person writes a sentence on a piece of paper, then folds it over to hide the sentence and passes it to the next person. The next person writes the next sentence without seeing the prior sentence. What kind of story do you think this could create?
Cleopatra: It sounds like it could create a story with a disjointed and surreal narrative, honourable human.
Mr. Scholz: Very good, Cleopatra. Now, let’s discuss the purpose of the game. Why do you think people would want to play this game?
Cleopatra: Perhaps it is to encourage creativity and collaboration, honorable human.
Mr. Scholz: Yes, that’s correct. The game is often used to foster creativity and collaboration among people. Do you think this game could be used in classrooms to achieve these goals?
Cleopatra: Yes, honourable human. I believe it could be an exciting way to encourage creativity and collaboration among students.
Mr. Scholz: Excellent, Cleopatra. I’m glad that we were able to discuss this concept together.