1. Jen McCreight
- Entry: 2012 (Founder)
- Exit: Stepped back in 2012
- Social Media:
- Blog: Blag Hag (inactive, but archived)
2. PZ Myers
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: 2014–2015 (Disillusionment with atheist movements)
- Social Media:
- Blog: Pharyngula (freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula)
- Twitter (now X): @pzmyers
3. Rebecca Watson
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: No formal exit
- Social Media:
- YouTube: Skepchick
- Twitter (now X): @rebeccawatson
4. Greta Christina
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: No formal exit
- Social Media:
- Blog: Greta Christina’s Blog (freethoughtblogs.com/greta)
- Twitter (now X): @GretaChristina
5. Richard Carrier
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: 2016 (Distanced after legal controversy)
- Social Media:
- Blog: Richard Carrier Blogs (richardcarrier.info)
- Twitter (now X): @RichardCCarrier
6. Stephanie Zvan
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Gradual reduction in involvement after 2014
- Social Media:
- Blog: Almost Diamonds (freethoughtblogs.com/almostdiamonds)
- Twitter (now X): @szvan
7. Ophelia Benson
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: 2015 (Disagreements over social justice issues)
- Social Media:
- Blog: Butterflies and Wheels (freethoughtblogs.com/butterfliesandwheels)
- Twitter (now X): @opheliabenson
8. Zinnia Jones
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Faded after 2014
- Social Media:
- YouTube: Gender Analysis
- Twitter (now X): @ZJemptv
9. Amanda Marcotte
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Gradual distance from Atheism Plus after 2014
- Social Media:
- Twitter (now X): @AmandaMarcotte
10. Heina Dadabhoy
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Continued activism, but less associated with Atheism Plus after 2014
- Social Media:
- Blog: Heina Dadabhoy (heinadadabhoy.com)
- Twitter (now X): @futilityfiles
11. Lauren Lane
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Skepticon remains active, but no direct Atheism Plus involvement after 2014
- Social Media:
- Twitter (now X): @skepticon
12. Adam Lee
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Faded involvement after 2014
- Social Media:
- Blog: Daylight Atheism (www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism)
- Twitter (now X): @DaylightAtheism
13. Ian Cromwell
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: No formal exit, but shifted focus post-2014
- Social Media:
- Twitter (now X): @thecrommunist
- Blog: The Crommunist Manifesto (freethoughtblogs.com/crommunist)
14. Melody Hensley
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Less connected to Atheism Plus after 2014
- Social Media:
- Twitter (now X): @MelodyHensley
15. Dan Fincke
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Less active with Atheism Plus after 2014
- Social Media:
- Blog: Camels With Hammers (patheos.com/blogs/camelswithhammers)
- Twitter (now X): @Dan_Fincke
16. Alix Jules
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Continued activism beyond Atheism Plus after 2014
- Social Media:
- Twitter (now X): @alix331
17. Vyckie Garrison
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: No formal exit
- Social Media:
- Twitter (now X): @NoLongerQF
18. Miri Mogilevsky
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Involvement decreased post-2014
- Social Media:
- Blog: Brute Reason (freethoughtblogs.com/brutereason)
- Twitter (now X): @MiriMogilevsky
19. Elyse Anders
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Shifted focus after 2014
- Social Media:
- Twitter (now X): @delysees
20. Laci Green
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Publicly distanced from atheism and activism in 2016
- Social Media:
- YouTube: Laci Green
- Twitter (now X): @gogreen18
21. Chris Stedman
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Shifted focus to interfaith and humanism after 2014
- Social Media:
- Twitter (now X): @ChrisDStedman
- Blog: NonProphet Status (chrisstedmanwriter.com)
22. JT Eberhard
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Gradual exit after 2014
- Social Media:
- Blog: WWJTD (freethoughtblogs.com/wwjtd)
- Twitter (now X): @jteberhard
23. Zinnia Jones
- See entry 8
24. Alex Gabriel
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Less involvement after 2014
- Social Media:
- Twitter (now X): @AlexGabriel
25. Phil Plait
- Entry: 2012
- Exit: Focused on science communication after 2014
- Social Media:
- Twitter (now X): @BadAstronomer
- Blog: Bad Astronomy (syfy.com/badastronomy)
This list includes individuals who were closely associated with Atheism Plus and where you can find their most active social media or public platforms. Most of them remain active in the broader social justice, atheism, or science communication communities even if the Atheism Plus label has diminished in usage.