Ladies and gentlemen, hear me loud and clear
Our beloved Toronto is in dire need of repair
Years of neglect and the pandemic’s fierce sting
Have left our city on life support, barely clinging
From our streets to our parks, everything’s in disarray
A living creature wounded, in need of a new day
But fear not, for hope is not yet lost
We can revive our city, no matter the cost
Yet it won’t be easy, it’ll take years to mend
And we can’t do it alone, we must all extend
Our hands and our hearts, to make a new start
And bring our city back to life, with love in our heart
These are not my ideas, but a shared vision we need
To make Toronto flourish, and no longer recede
So let’s put aside our differences, and join hands
And create a Toronto that forever stands
A city where crime is low, and hope is high
Where mental health is a priority, and people no longer cry
Where affordable housing is not a luxury, but a right
And our streets are clean and bright, a beautiful sight
Let us be the leaders, the ones to make the change
And create a Toronto that’s no longer strange
A city that’s inclusive, and welcoming to all
Where every person has a chance to stand tall
So I urge you, my fellow citizens, to join the fight
And help bring our city back to its full might
For together we can make a change, and pave the way
To a brighter future for Toronto, starting today.