Ladies and gentlemen, please hear my message loud and clear. Toronto, our beloved city, is in a state of disrepair. Years of neglect and the harsh impact of the pandemic have left our city on the brink of collapse.
Our streets and parks are in disarray, and our city is like a wounded creature in need of resuscitation. However, we can still revive our city, no matter what the cost. But it won’t be an easy feat, and it will take years to mend. We cannot do this alone; we need to work together to make a new start and bring our city back to life with love in our hearts.
This vision is not just mine but is a shared one that we must all embrace. Our goal is to make Toronto flourish and no longer recede. Let us put our differences aside and work together to create a Toronto that will stand forever.
We want a city where crime is low, and hope is high. Mental health must be a priority, and people should not have to suffer. Affordable housing must be a right and not a luxury, and our streets should be clean and bright, a sight to behold.
We must be the leaders and the agents of change to create a Toronto that is inclusive and welcoming to all. A place where every person has the opportunity to stand tall.
Therefore, I implore my fellow citizens to join me in the fight to bring our city back to its full glory. Together, we can make a change, and today is the perfect day to start paving the way to a brighter future for Toronto.