Ed Scholz
2 min readSep 5, 2024

The art of Seduction

1. Negging

  • Subtle Teasing: Use light, playful teasing to create a sense of challenge. For example, if she mentions she likes a certain band, you could say, “Oh, I didn’t know you were into that kind of music. Interesting choice!”

2. Push-Pull Technique

  • Mixed Signals: Alternate between showing interest and pulling back. Compliment her one moment, then playfully tease or challenge her the next. This creates a dynamic interaction that keeps her intrigued.

3. DHV (Demonstrate Higher Value)

  • Showcase Your Qualities: Casually mention interesting things about yourself that highlight your value. For example, talk about a recent adventure, a unique hobby, or an achievement.

4. Mystery and Intrigue

  • Be Vague: Leave some details out to create curiosity. If she asks about your weekend plans, you could say, “I have something exciting planned, but you’ll have to wait and see!”

5. Role Reversal

  • Challenge Her: Turn the tables by playfully challenging her to impress you. For example, “So, what makes you interesting? Convince me to keep talking to you.”

6. Storytelling

  • Engaging Stories: Share captivating stories that showcase your personality and experiences. Make sure they are interesting and relevant to the conversation.

7. Scarcity

  • Limited Availability: Don’t always be immediately available. Take your time to respond and occasionally be busy with other activities. This creates a sense of value around your time.

8. Confidence

  • Assertiveness: Be confident and assertive in your texts. Make decisions and take the lead in the conversation. Confidence is attractive and can make you stand out.

9. Humor

  • Witty Banter: Use humor to keep the conversation light and fun. A well-placed joke or witty comment can make the interaction more enjoyable.

10. Mirroring

  • Match Her Style: Mirror her texting style and energy. If she uses emojis or short texts, do the same to create a sense of connection.

Remember, the key is to be respectful and genuine while using these techniques. The goal is to create a fun and engaging interaction that keeps her interested. If you have any other questions or need more tips, feel free to ask!

Ed Scholz

prompt engineer, mentor, instructor, cognitive specialist, writer photographer.