Oh, woe betide! To be nothing but proud,
A view so warped, a mind so unbowed,
Can’t fathom the gravity of heinous crime,
Reducing it to just nature, is a thought so unkind.
Shall we then be Ford foolish and turn a blind eye?
To the murders and the havoc they so callously ply,
Shall we let the blood flow and the cries go unheard,
And the innocent fall prey to this vicious herd?
Foolish money indeed, if it means saving a life,
If it can end the misery and the strife,
Shall we not invest in the betterment of our land,
And take measures to eradicate this evil and grand?
Murder, a product of societal rot and decay,
A scourge that must be vanquished without delay,
Shall we not strive to create a world of love and light,
Where justice prevails, and all can live without fright?
Let us not be fooled by the false allure of apathy,
And awaken to the call of justice and empathy,
For only then can we aspire to be truly great,
And create a world free from violence and hate.
Keep Ontario Place Public
Help Make a Crime Free Society
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